Services and Support

For parents, family and carers

  • Support for parental request for EHC Needs Assessment
  • Support with draft EHCP checks
  • Support with Grounds o Appeal
  • Support with Working Document for appeal
  • Meeting support & advocacy 
  • Advice and strategies for supporting your child's behaviour
  • Support with accessing services and completing paperwork
  • Signposting to other agencies and services
  • Personal Coaching and/or mentoring to support you in meeting parenting challenges on a practical and emotional level
  • A range of assessments for your child 

Bespoke support with study skills and revision 

Intensive blocks of 1:1 input to meet a specific learning aim, delivered online

  • GCSE English
  • Functional Skills English
  • Study skills for all levels of study

Lessons and resources are developed and delivered very carefully to meet your specific individual needs.

Coaching and Mentoring for young people

Please see the Coaching and Mentoring pages, for more information.


Full Diagnostic Assessment for:


Age 8 to adult 

This assessment will ascertain if you have Dyslexia (SpLD) and if so, will lead to a diagnosis. It includes a full written report including recommendations.

Please see the Dyslexia page for more information

Dyspraxia (DCD) and/or ADHD.

Age 16+

These assessments are for educational purposes such as DSA applications and workplace support. 

(Please note that this is NOT a medical diagnosis of ADHD)

Education Assessment

A full assessment of learning strengths and difficulties  and written report

This assessment does not lead to diagnosis it is intended to highlight specific areas of strength and difficulty to support:

  • onward referral
  • evidence of needs for benefits applications
  • evidence of needs and recommended provision for EHCP
  • recommendations for supporting your child at home & school

Assessment of social and emotional strengths and difficulties and written report


This assessment will not provide a diagnosis, however, it can support onward referral. The assessment will be carried out by taking background information, observations and may include formal tests. The report can be used for:

  • onward referral
  • evidence of needs for benefits applications
  • evidence of needs and recommendations for EHCP
  • recommendations for supporting your child at home & school

For schools and education providers

Access Arrangements - testing, advice and support

I am a fully qualified Level 7 Access Arrangement assessor. I am also experienced in all aspects of writing policies, completing Forms 8 & 9 and making applications online. 

Outreach support 

Experienced in developing individual support plans for pupils with a range of complex needs. 

Full Diagnostic Assessment 

See page for Dyslexia assessment 

Personal Coaching for staff:

  • professional development goals
  • career progression
  • moving into leadership roles
  • work life balance

Bespoke Inset & School support

I am available to lead INSET in person or online, based on your needs and requirements, in areas related to the following:

  • Autism & co-occurring conditions
  • Supporting & working with parents effectively
  • Behaviours that cause concern
  • Teaching & learning
  • Literacy difficulties (including Dyslexia)
  • Inclusive learning

Care providers

Working with you to develop:

  • individual support plans for adults with a range of complex needs
  • ensuring an inclusive environment
  • bespoke training


For your employees:

  • Full Diagnostic Assessment of Dyslexia (also including ADHD/Dyspraxia evaluation if required and screening for other conditions) and support with onward referrals
  • Study skills support for accredited courses
  • individual mentoring & coaching 

Working with you to develop:

  • support for people with Dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties/learning disabilities in the workplace
  • ensuring an inclusive environment
  • bespoke training for your team in areas of learning difficulties & leanring disabilities
